National Art Museum

CIMMYT Museum 

Immersive spaces, José Alfredo Jiménez Museum 

Peninsular Pronghorn Recovery Program – Visitor Center 

A history of more than 40 years

A World Class Firm

MUSEOGRÁFICA  provides professional services for the planning, design and execution of museums and exhibitions. The firm offers its clients comprehensive services, covering all phases of the museographic process, from initial feasibility studies to the implementation of the works.

We are a select group of professionals, made up of museographers, architects, graphic designers, visual artists and multimedia experts, who are in charge of the programming, design and supervision of the projects entrusted to us.

Museográfica was the first company of its kind and has been a pioneer in the use, in all types of museums, of thematic environments and audiovisual and interactive media, which are common today in museographic communication.

The firm is recognized for the creation of important museums and exhibitions that combine the presentation of collection objects and complex educational content, with the creation of avant-garde museum spaces, with excellence in the quality of its concepts and designs that transcend time.

LA Zoo
Asociación Ferrocarriles
Gobierno Mx


The telegraph Museum

Digital Experiences, José Alfredo Jiménez Museum

Popular Art Museum

Pronghorn Program Visitor Center

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